Cyber Security Articles & News

What Are the Biggest Cyber Security Threats to Your Business?

Cyber security threats can come in multiple forms. Recently, ABC News reported that threat actors accessed user account information from Facebook’s parent company Meta by pretending to be law enforcement officials. This cyber attack — a form of social engineering — although surprising, was not unprecedented. 

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Hacker Security 101: How To Protect Yourself

In March 2022, tools manufacturer Snap-On admitted to a serious data breach that left personal information exposed including names, birth dates, social security numbers, and employee ID numbers. Perhaps the scariest part of this cybersecurity attack is that the attack type was never disclosed to the public. 

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5 of the Best Cybersecurity Books

Cybersecurity can be defined as the ways in which an organization protects itself against unauthorized access or unauthorized use of the organization’s network, private data, or assets. When organizations suffer data breaches and compromised systems at the hands of threat actors, they often look for ways to improve their cybersecurity posture, and cyber security books are a great way to do this.

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Times Your Company May Need a Cyber Security Expert Witness

Expert witnesses are commonplace in the legal world to provide well…expert… insight into cyber scenarios. Because the Average Joe may not know the technical terms of computer forensics or best practices of cyber security, a professional is often necessary to skillfully relay reliable information to all relevant parties. 

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Everything You Need to Know About National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Every October, people all across the U.S. celebrate a month full of cybersecurity awareness and education. 

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Social Engineering Terms Explained (with Examples!)

You’ve been told you need social engineering training, but as soon as you start researching what social engineering is, you’re hit with all these confusing terms and abbreviations.

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6 Questions to Ask Before Beginning Red Team Pentesting

If you’ve conducted a few successful penetration tests already, you may be wondering, “what’s next?”

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An Overview of the 2021 JBS Meat Supplier Ransomware Attack

Over the last weekend of May 2021, the world's largest meat supplier became a victim of a malicious cyber attack. 

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What’s It Like to Work With a Computer Security Expert Witness?

Uh oh. Somehow you’ve found yourself in the middle of a security breach— and worse still, in legal trouble because of it. 

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9 Ways Pentesters Breach Mac Security Defenses

There’s a notion that Apple products are unhackable, but no device truly is. While they aren’t as easy to breach as other devices, Macbooks, iPads, iPhones and other Apple devices are compromised by bad actors just like other operating systems.

In this post, we’re revealing nine ways penetration testers often find a way into Mac-based corporate environments to help you strengthen your defenses. If pentesters can do it, so can hackers. Let’s explore some of the top ways Macs are hacked:

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