Cyber Security Articles & News

The 2020 Twitter Bitcoin Scam: How it Happened and Key Lessons from Whitehat Hacker Kevin Mitnick

Just yesterday, the notable social media platform Twitter and a number of its high-profile users fell victim to a flashy Bitcoin scam. 

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Social Engineering Attacks: What You Need to Know

Hackers use clever ploys to trick you into disclosing personal information— all with the end goal of acquiring sensitive data or money. These ‘social engineers’ gather intel on you and use social tactics to manipulate and deceive you into granting them entry into your systems.

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The Latest Malware Threat: The USB Ninja Cable

You just updated your laptop with the latest virus definitions and security patches and you think, “there we go, I’m safe now!”

Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily true. Cybercriminals and hackers are always thinking of clever, new ways to exploit your devices— and you have to be perpetually vigilant. 

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