Why Choose Mitnick Security for Your Penetration Testing Services?

Incorporating cybersecurity services as part of your organization’s security plan can help stop threat actors in their tracks. From cyber security awareness training to Red Team engagements, Mitnick Security offers a wide range of services designed to strengthen the security posture of businesses of all sizes. 

But what sets Mitnick Security apart from the competition? At its heart, Mitnick Security is a team of world-renowned penetration testing experts dedicated to uncovering the hidden vulnerabilities of your network and systems so that you know how to protect your organization against the ever-increasing number of cyber threats. Today, we take an in-depth look at penetration testing services offered, and why you need them.


Types of Penetration Testing Services Offered by Mitnick Security

A general pentest may not be targeted enough to help identify your organization’s specific weaknesses. That’s why Mitnick Security offers a variety of penetration testing services to pick from depending on your needs.


External Pentesting

External network penetration testing services are a popular component of routine testing for many organizations because an external network consists of all your organization’s web-facing systems — or as threat actors see it, countless potential entry and exploitation opportunities. If a threat actor can breach your network and gain access to your internal systems, you would be at their mercy. 

An external network pentest is a simulated cyber attack in which pentesters find vulnerabilities, attempt to exploit, and breach your system from the outside. The pentesters carefully document what they did and how they did it, as well as what you can do to prevent threat actors from carrying out a successful breach.


Internal Pentesting

Internal penetration testing takes over where the external pentest leaves off. This pentest answers the question, “What could a threat actor do once inside my internal network?” An internal pentest also simulates how a disgruntled employee or organization service provider might be able to exploit loopholes in your defenses and escalate their privileges to gain control of your network or compromise your system’s infrastructure.  

An internal network pentest works from the inside, but because it is a simulated attack, you won’t experience any unplanned downtime, interruptions to your daily operations, or damage to your systems. 


Social Engineering

An organization that has had other types of pentests may still be missing the opportunity to address one of its biggest potential weaknesses — untrained employees. A social engineering attack is when a threat actor tricks their victim into performing an action or providing information that the threat actor wants. There are several types of social engineering attacks, including phishing, pretexting, and baiting. Since 98% of all cyber attacks involve social engineering, it’s crucial to know if your team is prepared.

A simulated social engineering attack tests your team’s readiness with multiple tactics such as sending company-wide phishing emails, luring employees to spoofed websites, and more. Since these are all simulated attacks, your employees and your organization’s data are completely safe — plus you’ll know exactly how the pentesters interacted with your organization as well as what the pentesters recommend for security awareness training. 


Additional Penetration Testing Services

Physical Pentesting

Physical penetration testing analyzes and seeks to exploit weak points that expose your building or data center and hardware. If an intruder can access your hardware, they may be able to access a vast amount of your sensitive data.

Application Pentesting

Application pentests are simulated attacks on your web applications that go beyond normal scans. They are used to uncover vulnerabilities that threat actors could use as an access point into your network.

Wireless Penetration Testing

This type of pentest identifies and attempts to exploit the Internet of Things (IoT) — which consists of all your devices connected to your network. This pentest can help you strengthen your mobile defense by analyzing devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

Red Team Pentesting

Red Team penetration tests create a team vs. team scenario to examine the defense of your cybersecurity. The Red Team are the pentesters that are on the offense and will attempt to hack and breach your security controls. On the defensive side is the Blue Team, whose primary focus is to protect against the Red Team. With Red Team pentests, the goal is to find just one way into your network to see what data they can breach. This test is for more advanced cybersecurity measures and can maximize the reinforcement of your security stack.


The Advantage of Working With Mitnick Security

Mitnick Security was founded by Kevin Mitnick — the world’s most famous hacker. Kevin works closely with his hand-picked team of experts, The Global Ghost Team, to help organizations worldwide. 


Surrender Your Network to Industry Experts

Each member of The Global Ghost Team has over ten years of experience. As white hat hackers, they are dedicated to identifying vulnerabilities and communicating their knowledge and advice during each pentesting engagement. 


Our Pentesting Process

Although there are six different types of penetration testing services available, each one follows set pentest phases:

  • Pre-Attack Phase: After a call from Kevin Mitnick, your team of pentesters works with you to establish the scope and pentest framework for the engagement.
  • Attack Phase: Pentesters follow the rules of engagement set in the pre-attack phase to launch a simulated attack in line with your penetration testing type and goals.
  • Ongoing Communication: Even during the attack phase, your assigned pentesters are available 24/7 to keep you in the loop and make sure that things are running smoothly.

One aspect of Mitnick Security that stands out from other penetration testing companies is that you’ll receive a valuable, comprehensive pentesting report.


Our In-Depth Pentesting Report

The report contains easy-to-understand results that you can walk through with your security teams to shore up vulnerabilities and harden your systems where it counts. Inside the report, you’ll find:

  • An executive summary of the pentest.
  • The pentesters’ engagement details.
  • Mitigation recommendations.

With the pentesting report, you’ll understand everything that happened during the engagement, what vulnerabilities were found, and what you can do about it. The pentest report is like the answer key to your cybersecurity posture.


Penetration Testing Services Performed By World-Class Experts

Picking the right penetration testing services for your company starts with knowing which service provider you can count on — you can trust the pentesting process when it’s led by the world’s most trusted experts in cybersecurity. To discover what can be done to fortify your business, request more information on Mitnick Security pentesting services.

Topics: Global Ghost Team, penetration testing

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