SEE LIVE: Kevin Mitnick performs hacking tricks, live on Wall Street

Cybersecurity magic show comes to the New York Stock Exchange

The second annual Cyber Investing Summit, held on Wall Street at the New York Stock Exchange, announced that Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker, will be its opening act on May 23, 2017.

CSO recently reported that the Cyber Investing Summit event producers yanked John McAfee as its keynote speaker because the New York Stock Exchange considered him to be a 'security risk'. McAfee followed with a fiery tweet last month saying he was not allowed in the NYSE building due to security reasons.

Mitnick tweeted back to McAfee "Do you need me to fill in for you grin". Apparently he wasn't kidding.

A press release states that Mitnick will open the Summit with his technology magic show, and will demonstrate the latest hacking techniques and educate attendees on cyber security prevention and protection.

Once listed as one of the FBI’s Most Wanted after hacking into 40 large corporations, Mitnick is now a trusted adviser to Fortune 500 companies and governments worldwide. He educates everyone from top executives to students on the practice of social engineering and cyber protection.

As its name implies, the Cyber Investing Summit - an all-day conference - focuses on investing in the cyber security industry, which is predicted to exceed $1 trillion in cumulative spending on products and services over the next five years from 2017 to 2021,

Mitnick the hacker is also an entrepreneur and the chief hacking officer at KnowBe4, a fast growing security awareness training company which debuted at No. 139 on the 2016 Inc. 500 list of America's fastest growing private companies.

While attendees will have the opportunity to explore the trends, challenges, and investment strategies available in the high growth cybersecurity sector, they'll also hear from an impressive lineup of cybersecurity experts. Notable speakers include Rich Baich, chief information security officer at Wells Fargo, Ann Barron-DiCamillo, vice president of Cyber Intelligence & Incident Response at American Express, Tim McKnight, chief information security officer at Thomson Reuters, and Troels Oerting, chief security officer at Barclays.

Top CISO names are a definite attraction to the Summit, but finding out what Mitnick has up his sleeve is the big draw. Will Mitnick pull McAfee out of a hat on the NYSE stage? Stay tuned. We'll be back with a post-show report..

This cool event notice and other great articles can be found at the source.

Source: CSO

Topics: Speaking Engagements, Troels Oerting, cyber Investing Summit, cyber security, John McAfee, New York Stock Exchange, security prevention, information protection, KnowBe4, Rocj Baocj. Amn Barron-DiCamillo, technology magic show, Tim McKnight, Wall Street, Kevin Mitnick

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