SEE LIVE: World’s Most Famous Hacker Kevin Mitnick to Open Cyber Investing Summit

Mitnick to Put His Legendary Hacking Skills on Display at 2nd Annual Cyber Investing Summit May 23, 2017 at the New York Stock Exchange

Kevin Mitnick, the world’s most famous hacker turned trusted security consultant, will open the 2017 Cyber Investing Summit Tuesday, May 23rd at the New York Stock Exchange with his “technology magic show.” Mitnick will demonstrate the latest hacking techniques and educate attendees on cyber security prevention and protection.

The Cyber Investing Summit is an all-day conference focused on the investment opportunities and strategies available in the cyber security industry. The summit offers attendees a unique opportunity to network with leaders in the cyber security and financial sectors. Speakers include prominent cyber security professionals, venture capitalists, private equity managers, chief information security officers, technology analysts, and government experts.

Once listed as one of the FBI’s Most Wanted after hacking into 40 large corporations, Kevin Mitnick is now a trusted advisor to Fortune 500 companies and governments worldwide. Mitnick educates everyone from top executives to students on the practice of social engineering and cyber protection.

Mitnick is the CEO of Mitnick Security Consulting, where he and The Global Ghost Team™ now have a 100 percent successful track record of being able to penetrate the security of any system they are paid to hack into. Mitnick also serves as KnowBe4’s Chief Hacking Officer, where he helps produce security awareness training programs to counteract social engineering and to improve security effectiveness.

Kevin is a global bestselling author. His autobiography, Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker is a New York Times bestseller. His latest work released in 2017 is The Art of Invisibility: The World's Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data, a ground-breaking book on privacy.
About the Cyber Investing Summit

The Cyber Investing Summit is an all-day conference focusing on the financial opportunities and trends in the rapidly growing cyber security industry. Panels will explore investment strategies, market forecasts, merger and acquisition potential, fallout from high profile security breaches, expectations for new presidential cyber security policies, seeding for startups, and more. Immediately following the panels, a cocktail reception will be held on the floor of the iconic New York Stock Exchange. Additional information regarding the Cyber Investing Summit can be found at

About KnowBe4
KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s most popular integrated new school security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, is used by more than 9,500 organizations worldwide. Founded by data and IT security expert Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 helps organizations address the human element of security by raising awareness of ransomware, CEO fraud and other social engineering tactics through a new school approach to security awareness training. Kevin Mitnick, internationally recognized computer security expert and KnowBe4’s Chief Hacking Officer, helped design KnowBe4’s trainings based on his well-documented social engineering tactics. Thousands of organizations trust KnowBe4 to mobilize their end-users as the last line of corporate IT defense. For more information, go to

Source: prweb

Topics: Social Engineering, Speaking Engagements, threat, Forensics, Global Ghost Team, Hacked, Incident Response, penetration testing, Computer, Exchange, Exploits, cyber security, hacking, Invisibility Powers, red-teaming, security, Security Assessment, Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training, Mitnick Security, Training, Vulnerability Assessments, white hat, Absolute Zero-day, Art of Invisibility, Cyber, Cyberthreat, Art of Intrusion, Ghost in the Wires, Information, Kevin Mitnick, Mitnick Books

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