Cyber Security Articles & News

SEE LIVE: Legendary Hacker and Security Expert Kevin Mitnick to Keynote Continuum’s Navigate 2017

At Continuum’s Navigate 2017 conference, October 2-5 in Las Vegas, Kevin Mitnick will share insights from his 30 years of information security experience

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BOOK REVIEW: Big Brother is watching

The Art of Invisibility: The World’s Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data by Kevin Mitnick, Little, Brown and Company, US $28.00, Pp 320, February 2017, ISBN 978-0316380508

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Former hacker Kevin Mitnick shows WannaCry to Wall Street execs

A gathering of Wall Street executives were given a first-hand explanation today on how to secure their companies against phishing attacks by a former hacker.

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EVENT REVIEW: Mitnick on Misdirection: Hacking as Close-up Magic

Information security experts routinely warn those they work with about the dangers of social engineering. One way to approach social engineering is to realize that it's magic, and by that we mean stage-and-street magic, not ritual magic. Like the conjuror who performs at a kid's birthday party, the social engineer relies on your trust, your expectations, and your susceptibility to misdirection.

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Global Ransomware Damage Costs Predicted to Exceed Five Billion Dollars in 2017

Ransomware damage costs up 15X in two years, expected to worsen; Ransomware is growing at a yearly rate of 350 percent

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WATCH: Bitcoin isn’t 100 percent secure — here’s how to further hide your purchases

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that can help protect your identity when making purchases online. But it's not foolproof. Kevin Mitnick, one of the world's most famous hackers and author of the book "The Art of Invisibility," offers some tips that will help you remain anonymous.

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Legendary “most wanted” hacker reveals the latest cybercrime schemes

Renowned hacker and former FBI fugitive Kevin Mitnick brought his hands-on, demonstration-filled presentation on hacking to a packed lunch-hour crowd at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg on May 16, 2017, as part of the Western Canada Information Security Conference.

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Here’s why regular people should be terrified about the malware attack that is spreading across the globe

Stay informed to protect yourself from ransomware attacks.

The INSIDER Summary:

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WATCH: Record High 15.4 Million Victims Lost $16 Billion In Identity Fraud Incidents Last Year

VIDEW - Your personal information is not safe.

That’s the conclusion of a study from Javelin Strategy and Research that highlighted the prevalence of cyberattacks in 2016.

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Cyber criminals profiting from business complacency

SMEs are being urged to boost security, with the government figures showing they are the most frequently targeted type of business – but the least likely to take the threat seriously.

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