Cyber Security Articles & News

SEE LIVE: World’s Most Famous Hacker Kevin Mitnick to Open Cyber Investing Summit

Mitnick to Put His Legendary Hacking Skills on Display at 2nd Annual Cyber Investing Summit May 23, 2017 at the New York Stock Exchange

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SEE LIVE: Kevin Mitnick performs hacking tricks, live on Wall Street

Cybersecurity magic show comes to the New York Stock Exchange

The second annual Cyber Investing Summit, held on Wall Street at the New York Stock Exchange, announced that Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker, will be its opening act on May 23, 2017.

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EVENT REVIEW: IP EXPO Manchester Heralds “Best Ever” Year

Designed to show businesses how the latest IT innovations can drive their firm forward, the event welcomed more than 6,000 visitors to Manchester Central

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LISTEN: Advice For May Gardening In Kansas City, And The Social Science Of Hacking

After figuring out a teacher's password with a program he created in high school, Kevin Mitnick knew hacking was his calling. But there's more to hacking than simply understanding computers, says Mitnick. It's about understanding people.

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WATCH: 3 online security tips from The World’s Greatest Hacker

As our technology gets better, so do hackers. Way too many Americans have had their personal information stolen by computer thieves and we don't want to see you become a victim. So how do you keep yourself safe? Kristina Guerrero talked to hacking expert Kevin Mitnick, once named "The World's Greatest Hacker", to find out the three best things you can do to stay safe online.

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Kevin Mitnick on why banning laptops from aircraft is dumb (and the best way to make a prison shank)

In the 1990’s, Kevin Mitnick was the world’s most wanted hacker. At the height of his infamy, he was the subject of a manhunt that dragged on for over two years. When US authorities finally captured him, prison administrators placed him in solitary confinement over fears he’d launch an ICBM strike by whistling dial tones into the facility’s payphone.

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EY Announces Stu Sjouwerman of KnowBe4 Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2017 Award Finalist in Florida

EY announced that CEO Stu Sjouwerman of KnowBe4 is a finalist for the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2017 Award in Florida and was selected by a panel of independent judges.

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WATCH: Cybercriminals have taken notice of leaked government spying techniques

The U.S. government's spy tools are being revealed.

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Cyber Resilience 2.0, now shipping

The heads of IT security gathered at a recent Think Tank and agreed on a next generation definition of cyber resilience.

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EVENT REVIEW: Staff are “Backdoor to Hackers” warns Former FBI Most-Wanted

Kevin Mitnick was arrested in 1995 and spent nearly five years in prison for various computer and communications-related crimes

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