Cyber Security Articles & News

Noted hacker Kevin Mitnick gives BBVA Compass’ Jacksonville clients the download on cybersecurity

Former FBI Most Wanted Kevin Mitnick brings insight to Northeast Florida clients

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Black-hat hackers more daring and experienced than white-hat hackers

Sixty-five percent of respondents to a poll say black hats are more experienced than white hats.

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BOOK REVIEW: The MSP’s Bookshelf: The Art of Intrusion

Security can be a challenge. One unprotected port, one unchanged default password, or even one improperly configured item can leave businesses open to vulnerabilities and breaches. With so much to safeguard, it can be easy to miss the one small thing that could leave a crack in the wall. But hackers are persistent, and they’ll keep trying until they finally find the vulnerability you overlooked. “The adage is true that the security systems have to win every time, the attacker has to win once” says Dustin Dykes; a security consultant interviewed in the book by Kevin Mitnick.  

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WATCH: Hacker Kevin Mitnick on password managers and online safety


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Republicans Just Voted to Let Internet Providers Sell Your Online History—Here’s What That Means For You

On Tuesday, by a vote of 215-205, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would undo a number of internet provisions that were put into place under the Obama administration. That same measure was passed by a vote of 50-48 in the Senate last Thursday. In the House, 212 of the 215 votes for approval came from Republicans (with 14 GOPers voting against it). In the Senate, the 50-48 vote went straight party line, with the Republicans passing it there as well.

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Que Pasa: Kevin Mitnick: The Art of Deception

He was the most sought-after hacker by the FBI in the 1990s and considered a threat to US security. For having assaulted the computer systems of governments and large companies. How does a pursued justice become one of the White House's top advisers?

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Hacker: The First, the Best, and the Most Feared Hackers of All Time

Hackers may be classified into three, the black hat, gray hat, and the white hat hacker. However, society is more interested in the black hat, mainly because of their impact on the cyber world.

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Former hacker’s cybersecurity advice for you

Fox 5 went inside the mind of Kevin Mitnick, who is known as "The World's Greatest Hacker," to get his thoughts on how you can best protect yourself from cyber-attacks.

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WATCH: Here’s how to protect yourself against ransomware attacks

With just one wrong click, your entire digital life can be put up for ransom. One of the most famous hackers in the United States, and author of the book "The Art of Invisibility," explains how you can protect yourself against becoming the victim of malicious ransomware attacks.

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What is the best way to choose your passwords?

Cyber security expert Kevin Mitnick explains how to prevent hacking easily

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