Cyber Security Articles & News

Hacker Kevin Mitnick on the dangers of human factors for health data security

At the CHIME-HIMSS CIO Forum, the infamous former black-hat showed how social engineering puts systems at risk -- and how to build a human firewall to protect against it.

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SEE LIVE: HostingCon Global 2017 Keynote: Kevin Mitnick

HostingCon is excited to announce Kevin Mitnick will deliver the keynote address at HostingCon Global 2017. Kevin is the world's most famous hacker, bestselling author, and the top cyber security speaker.

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SEE LIVE: VMware at HIMSS 2017: Delivering Cloud, Mobile, and Security Solutions for Healthcare

Healthcare is undergoing rapid changes, and they’re driven by innovation. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference, held annually in Orlando, Florida, brings together more than 40,000 health IT professionals, clinicians, executives, and vendors from around the world to share the brightest ideas in healthcare. This year’s five-day event will highlight the growing number of solutions to improve patient health and physician efficacy.

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BOOK REVIEW: Trust No One: Privacy 101 from “The Art of Invisibility”

"That's some catch, that Catch-22."

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WATCH: How to Keep Yourself Safe from Cybercrime


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Time to Stop Shaming Phishing Victims

It is time to stop the blaming and shaming of phishing victims. Granted, end users should know better than to click on random attachments, but crooks are getting better at crafting clever emails that can fool even experienced professionals. And that’s just half the problem.

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BOOK REVIEW: The Art of Invisibility

I recently had the opportunity to read an early version of the Art of Invisibility by Kevin Mitnick and wanted to share some of my thoughts on the book and what it may mean to you.  First off, while there are some anecdotal stories, this is no novel.  This is mostly a book about what is happening in today’s data driven world and connected gadgets.  The book shares what you can do to stay obscured in the times when everything you do is cataloged and stored.

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BOOK REVIEW: Kirkus Reviews: The Art of Invisibility


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BOOK REVIEW: Hacker knows best: Privacy tips from Kevin Mitnick

This security expert knows all the tricks for stealing your personal information. His new book tells you how to keep your data safe.

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SEE LIVE: Learn and Network at Data Center World Global 2017

Data center and IT professionals from around the world are gearing up for Data Center World Global 2017 conference, April 3-6 in Los Angeles.

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