WATCH THIS: Kevin Mitnick reveals three things that are the most vulnerable to hacker attacks

Video: Kevin Mitnick interviewed at Business Inside Trends convention  in Poland!

What makes Internet users vulnerable to hacker attacks? "It's malware, social engineering and using the same password," said Kevin Mitnick at the Business Insider Inside Trends conference. - These are the three most important issues - he stressed.

Kevin Mitnick is considered to be the most famous hacker in the world, but for years he has been working on the side of "the good ones". Companies hire him to help protect their valuable data. During the Business Insider Inside Trends conference, Mitnick told about the beginnings of his stormy career with computers in the background - he finally spent five years in prison. 

To view this video and to read oher fascinating articles about Kevin and Business matters, please refer to the source.


Topics: Social Engineering, Speaking Engagements, Android, encrypted tunnel, Facebook hack, fake updates, Poland, cell phone tethering, data vulnerabilities, Inside Trends, iOS - end-to-end encryption, Mark Zuckerberg, password re-suse, malware, public WiFi, Signal, VPN service, cellular hotspot, data security, Kevin Mitnick

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