The World's Most Famous Hacker Kevin Mitnick & KnowBe4 CEO Stu Sjouwerman
Deliver the Cyber Investing Summit 2017 Opening Keynote Presentation
Source: Cyber Investing Summit
The World's Most Famous Hacker Kevin Mitnick & KnowBe4 CEO Stu Sjouwerman
Deliver the Cyber Investing Summit 2017 Opening Keynote Presentation
Source: Cyber Investing Summit
Topics: Social Engineering, Speaking Engagements, Stu Sjouwerman, WannaCry, firewall rules, implant, internet, PDF, Personal Software Inspector, phone phreaking, Shodan, SMB, swipe card theft, Apple One Board, bugs, ransomware, Kevin Mitnick
Kevin offers three excellent presentations, two are based on his best-selling books. His presentations are akin to technology magic shows that educate and inform while keeping people on the edge of their seats. He offers expert commentary on issues related to information security and increases “security awareness.”
If you've never experienced a data breach, consider yourself lucky. If you have, you know it's an absolute nightmare. With cyber criminals looking for..
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